Thursday, January 13, 2005

Major Black Out? Where got...

Have been very busy with work lately and this will continue for a few months. Not much time to blog anymore. Will blog when I'm free =D Maybe caRie can entertain you guys with her stories and wits =P

There was a blackout today in the central and the southern part in Malaysia. More on the blackout at The Star. Everyone's talking about this hot topic but I wasn't caught in blackout. I was in KLIA cargo complex the whole day. There was no blackout there mainly because they have their own power generators =D

Also, stay tuned to this site because the calendar wallpapers are coming up real soon. Damm... they're real sexy! XD

P/S: Looking for extra guess bloggers. Only for those who are interested and has a passion for blogging. If you are that person, drop me a mail at dkbu5 at yahoo dott com.

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