Thursday, May 05, 2005

Once in 7000 years...

New years come and go... but today is a special day, because 05.05.05 comes only once in 1000 years and coinciding with Thursday (5th Day of the week) comes once in 7000 yrs It happens only once in our lifetime. later will be 05.05.05. 5:55pm. Wishing you a wonderful day!


Karen Lim, thanks for the early bday card =P Yeah, my bday is coming soon *hint hint* Hmm... I should come up with a wishlist... hehe... Received a card from the dentist too, but it's a reminder to visit him =P~

/// Edited on 05/05/2005 nite ///

Went for the WTYS (Windows To Your Soul) Project meeting with the Rotaractors at KL Central today. It's fundraising project in aid for vision care (Spectacles & Surgery) of underprivileged children with the collaboration of the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH) and Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB).

You know the funny thing, just before meeting up with the rotaractors, when I just entered KL Central, I saw this blind man walking with a stick. He was using the stick to feel his way around. He was at the opposite of me. As I was walking nearer to him, he bump into some clothes at the stalls. I was gonna help him, but he just gave the sweetest smile and just walk off.

Wow! That had made my day lar... After a hectic day and travelling here and there just to see that smile was well worth it! I think, it's the simple things that make us happy like seeing people smile and not people with a grumpy face. So guys, sit back and give people a smile! ;)

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